Monday, December 7, 2009

The Media Joke

First off, today we should all rememeber the ones who died beginning at 7:53 am December 7, 1941 at Pearl Harbor from the Surprise Japanese attack that thrust America into World War II.

Let discuss how today's mainstream media, Fox,MSNBC, CNN, etc., turn the truth into stories they semi fabricate to meet their organizational Ideolgy. Everytime an individual watches the news they get blasted by one sided stories, stories that are not true, and stories that have been censored to the point that it relays the information deemed to support their side. You then will see retractions in the weeks that follow, but by then the dammage is completely done.

I thought the media were supposed to just report the truth and allow the American people to decide what is right and what is wrong, not tell the public what they should or should not think. This just adds to my post from a couple of days ago titled "America the Beautiful". The elitist mindset that does not believe normal average people are capable of making up their own minds. They believe we are too ignorant to know what is best for our family, community , and country. It doesn't seem to matter who the pundit or report is, they follow a carefully constructed agenda to show why the left side or the right side is best for the people. Well this man thinks what is best for the individual is to get the truth with no adding or taking away from it. I believe the American people are absolutely capable of making their own informed decisions, as long as that information is JUST FACTS!!!

If you watch Fox news you get a whole lot democrat bashing, stories that say the right side of political leaders are doing this in the good of the country, or they are the ones that will bring our country back to greatness. Then turn it to MSNBC and you get right the opposite effect. The left is the champ, republcans are the worst. Each side tells ONE SIDED news aimed and influencing Americans into voting for one party or the other. That America is not news, that is almost as bad as Tabloid reporting. News is reporting the truth and nothing else.You can't give honest reporting and host honest talkshows if you distort the facts. It's not in the best interest of our country.

If they would spend this amount of effort in giving information on who sponsors our governement bills, who gives money to our congress and senate, who pays for perks to our governmet instead trying to garner votes, maybe we wouldnt be in such a state as we are in. Use your means to let America know who is not doing their jobs, but only be truthful, and show both sides. Do not target just ONE side and only show the bad of that side, show the bad of both parties, show the good of both parties. The news media is tearing foundation of America apart by using propaganda and lies.

To the American people, if you want the truth or at least some semblance of it, watch multiple news shows that support one or the other side, combine the stories and try your best to gain an opinion then. Watch carefully for retracts so that your opinion isn't biased because of one false allegation or report. You are smart America, don't let foolish media reporting , alone, make  your opinion for you.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

America the Beautiful

Sitting on the sofa, believing the story I was going to write about today was firmly entrenched in my mind and the notes jotted down on a legal pad, I began to type out my thoughts about our economy status, giving my opinions on what several talking heads had said or wrote about the .2 percent drop in unemployment. Something kept nagging me to stop and not write that story, well after a few paragraphs I did stop. I want to talk about our country as a whole, why I think the problems America has is due to drop in values and family. America has been in a steady moral decline for a long while now. Televisions, Video Games,Computers, and the almighty dollar seem to run the lives of everyone these days. Not to say these things don't have their benefits. There is very little interaction in the communities, as there were in simpler time, anymore. Neighbors used to know all their neighbors, helped when times were rough, and were just basically all around good friends almost like family. It is like dog eat dog now, everyone for himself and to hell with anyone. It's not about the good of the community, it's about the good of "ME". When communities come together and form bonds, thats good for the country, people talk more, more information is deseminated to individual who might now have heard that news story, who might have a different opinion on it. They do not have to have the media, each I might add with its own political agenda, tell them what to think, how to think it, and how to act on it.
Another thing is Americans have let the government have too much control, and we have allowed complete elitists to run it. When I say, "Elitists", I am referring to the belief and mindset that certain persons or members of certain classes or groups deserve favored treatment by virtue of their perceived superiority, as in intellect, social status, or financial resources. There wasn't even a word for this belief, even though this frame of mind is centuries old, until around 1950. Elitism favors only favors a small percentage of the people, the rest are basically workers that need to get a job done so more money is funneled into the Elitists' hands.

America was not founded upon democracy, it was actually founded as a Republic. In a Republic the sovereignty is in each individual, in a democracy, the sovereignty is in the majority. Most people will say well the good of the larger portion or group is more important than the individual. Well that, to me, is only partially true. See in a republic you can't have your right taken from you, because the sovereignty RESTS with each INDIVIDUAL. In larger group rule, democracy, an individuals rights can be completely trampled on by a group who thinks those rights do not matter, at least not to that group. Our forefathers understood this, and that is the reason America was founded a republic. Im not sure we could ever get that back now, unless every single american stood together, arm in arm-hand in hand, against our government.  Our government has become corrupt by the greed and power. It no longer makes it's decisions on what is best for the people, instead it makes them on what is best for the few who p ut money in their pockets. We have the right to abolish our government per the constition- "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. --That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness." , course anyone with thoughts of this now would be labeled a terrorist. We have no rights anymore, only rights we have is to get up, goto work, make money for a few, and come home and struggle to raise children in a society that has been forced to give up God.

That is the biggest problem, the government has taken God out of everything. Non Believers have all the say so, if something offends ONE parent in a school system what ever the offense is will be taken away. If one single person is offended by a picture or biblical quote that might be publicly visible in a governmental property it's taken away. NO prayers in school. Taking God out of America is absolutely the main instigator to ALL the problems we now face. If you go back and look at the rulings against prayer, signs, anything God like in schools, courthouses, more and more liberal judges, you will see a rise in crime, governmental abuses, decaying social morals, lack of family values. God was the cornerstone in founding this country, period. We prospered beyond measure when we allowed him in our government, schools, etc. we decline when God is taken out.

We each have a responsiblity to god, family, friends, neighbors, and Country to re-institute core values into our government. DO NOT vote the same people into congress or senate. IF EVERY SINGLE member of the house and senate were replaced, you'd see some shock factor go on and maybe, just maybe the people of America would run their country again. Because as of right now, we do not. Government thinks the People are too stupid to run their own affairs, as was evident by how angry and shocked members where when they had all those debates and public forums last summer. HOW dare the people of' America contradict me, is what they thought when a few stood up and asked hard questions and gave blunt, honest, from the heart opinions. They couldn't believe we would have the gall to do something like that. That my friends is the attitude of Elitism.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Dumb Crook News

Norristown, Pennsylvania- Howard "Wing Ding" Jones' attorney is trying to get his bail reduced from 150,000 dollars to a lower amount his client can manage. Attorney is arguing with Judge, asserting that his client is "not" at risk for flight, which is why the bail is so high. At this very moment Wing Ding Jones jumps up and runs out of the courthouse. He was captured an hour later by police and brought back to court where the judge promptly upped the bail to 500,000 dollars.

Forsyth County, Georgia- A local man threw a brick through clothing store window and grabed around 600 dollars worth of designer shirts. Unbeknownst to the would be robber next door is a Jujitsu training center, where several off duty police officers where finishing their daily classes and coming out. Naturally the suspect was in custody in a matter of seconds. After being hand cuffed the suspect looks at officers and says, " Damn that was stupid".

London, England- Suspect had shoplifted some items a few weeks before in a store in downtown london. He went back today and was applying for a job when the store manager recognized him as the shoplifter. When the manager confronted the man, the suspect fled out the door, but not before grabbing two boxes of beer on his way out. He was quickly located and arrested while enjoying the "free" beer.

Newberry, South Carolina- Man spray paints his face to conceal his identity outside of a convenience store. He then proceeds into the store and at gun point hold customers and employees up until they give him the m oney, wallets and jewelery. As he runs out he has trouble breathing and collapsing. He dies a short time later due to complications of airway problems cause by the spray paint.

Columbia University- School officials became suspicious after a student started paying the very large tuition payments for law school in cash. They called authorities and this led to an investigation and arrest of the student after determining the student was making the money through a cocaine smuggling ring.

Why Even Try

As people read this, I hope they become as outraged as I am about the how three Navy Seals are being treated after capturing, Ahmed Hisham Abed,one of the top ten terrorists in the world.  Special Operations Petty Officer Second Class Mathew McCabe is being charged with Assualt, Dereliction of performance of duty, and making a flase statement. Petty Officer Jonathan Keefe, and Petty officer Julio Huertas are being charged with dereliction of duty and making false statements. If none of you remember who Ahmed is, let me refresh your memory. Ahmed is the mastermind behind the capturing of the four blackwater security agents in Fullujah, Irag back in 2004. He had them killed, mutilated, burned , dragged through the streets and then hung on  bridge for public display.(The pictures that follow are graphic) Here are some shots of his handy work and how the crowds reacted:
The crowd seems to find this acceptable and are celebrating the murder and mutilation of Americans. Ahmed claims that after he was captured, by the Navy Seals,he was punched in the stomach and gave a bloody lip, not tortured, not mutilated, or even severely beaten. Witness statements say Ahmed was looked in on and was looked to fine before he was handed over to Iraqi authorities. He made the allegations to the Iraqi authorites while in their "care". If Iraqi people find the mutilation of humans to be so fun and right maybe Ahmed was hit in their care. WE ARE AT WAR AMERICA. Webester defines War as "A state of Hostility, Open Conflict and Antagonism". How can American soldiers be charged with doing their duty? If American soldiers during WWII had of been charged wth something like this their would of been a cry by the American People heard through out the world , I say, let the world HEAR OUR CRY NOW!!! This is an absolute outrage, a slap in the face to our military men and women who on a daily basis risk their and lives and may have happent to them what happened to the four individuals you see on the pictures to the left. I dont' see no call for the the arrests and charge of accomplice to the Iraqi individuals in the pictures that are rejoicing and still defiling the bodies of the dead Americans.

The Al Qaeda Field Manual not only gives graphic instructions on how to torture captives with blow torches, electricity and even electric drills, it also says if you are captured claim abuse. This will allow it to get into the American media and the American people will be sympathetic to you. They are using sympathetic human nature to gain what they want, which is American Military personnel to be scared to do their jobs, afraid of being charged of doing their duty. Who cares if they punched this guy, if the even did, look at what he did to those people in the pictures, come on America, do NOT stand for this. By charging our soldiers with pathetic little things like this it shows the enemy that we as a people have no resolve. I have said that I feel sorry for the innocent men, women and children who get caught up in this, but this is war and in war you do what you too to win These type individuals, terrorists, only understand absolute force. If we show them compassion it only emboldens them that we are weak and afraid America.
If none of you do anything please write to your congressional men and women. Especially those on the military committees.  Let them know we WILL NOT have our soldiers our heroes treated in this manner. This link carries you to a list with direct link to email to the members that sit on House Armed Servics Committee. This link is for the Senate Members with direct email of members who set on the Senate Arms Committee. These people are the ones that need to be emailed. They have the state listed they serve from so please take five minutes of your time and email them a  quick letter and let them know this isn't right, it's the least we can do for the people who capture these monsters and risk their lives daily to keep them out of our country.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Obama's Troop Timeline

If any of you watched the President's address to the nation, concerning more troops being sent to Afghanistan, then I'm sure you had as many questions and reservations as I did.  Towards the beginning of President Obama's speach he said, "I approved a long standing request for more troops to be sent to Afghanistan", ten minutes later President Obama then stated," Let me be clear, there has never been an option before me that called for troop deployments before 2010". Now is that a contradiction of statements, or is this blogger just not understanding simple english? How can  you authorize sending 32.000 troops in March of 2009, then say there has never been an option before him to deploy troops there? President Obama then goes on to explain how he opposed the war on Iraq from the beginnig, as he has said throughout his Presidential campaign, and since he has taken office. If you opposed this war so fiercely Mr. President, then why were you not even present the day it was voted on? If you opposed this war why then did you vote YES everytime troop increases and money needed to support it, were voted on? Do not get me wrong people, I whole heartedly supported , and still do, this war. I just think if you have feelings about something, and your voted into a position that requires you to represent the American people that you shouldnt lie about what you have or have not done. Even at the beginning of the speech he tells the history of why we went to war in Afghanistan, saying we were attacked and that we all voted to goto war to disband Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, YET President Obama only voted "Present" in the vote to send troops to war in Afghanistan, alittle wishy washy for my tastes. Another thing most Americans are not aware of , I'm sure, is that the new defense spending bill signed by President Obama has a section within that allows AMERICAN TAXPAYER MONEY to be given to Taliban and Al Qaeda operatives that will change sides, and to help re-immigrate them back into Iraqi and Afghani society. Now we got people losing homes, jobs, and everything else here in America, and our government wants to provide provisions for people that could care less about the American People? Again, just another bone head move by our elected officials. I feel sorry for the "average" person in either of the two countries that we are engaged in hostilities with. I feel compelled to wish the leaders that cause these conflicts could be put in a cage and fight it out instead of innocents being killed for something they had no part in. BUT I also know the history of this region of the world, I know alittle about the religion that has caused fighting within this regions for thousands of years. Which brings me to another irritation in the President's Speach. He said that Al Qaeda has defiled and misused Islam, which is one of the great religions of the world. Now President Obama professes to be a Christian. If one is a true Christian, then you can NOT support another religion, it's forbidden through out  the Bible. Just another lie told by someone whom the American People put trust in. Every news agency covered the grilling of the commanders in Afghanistan by congress and senate yesterday. All asking and speculating why President Obama set July as the date to begin pulling troops out of Afghanistan. No ever seemed to make the connection of that month with the push to begin getting re-elected as President of the United States. That will be roughly a year and little less than half before election. Good re-election fodder to start bringing home troops during the campaign trail. I still fall in line with what former President Reagan said, " Government is not the answer, but the problem", as opposed to President Obama's stance of Government is the answer for all problems.