Thursday, December 3, 2009

Obama's Troop Timeline

If any of you watched the President's address to the nation, concerning more troops being sent to Afghanistan, then I'm sure you had as many questions and reservations as I did.  Towards the beginning of President Obama's speach he said, "I approved a long standing request for more troops to be sent to Afghanistan", ten minutes later President Obama then stated," Let me be clear, there has never been an option before me that called for troop deployments before 2010". Now is that a contradiction of statements, or is this blogger just not understanding simple english? How can  you authorize sending 32.000 troops in March of 2009, then say there has never been an option before him to deploy troops there? President Obama then goes on to explain how he opposed the war on Iraq from the beginnig, as he has said throughout his Presidential campaign, and since he has taken office. If you opposed this war so fiercely Mr. President, then why were you not even present the day it was voted on? If you opposed this war why then did you vote YES everytime troop increases and money needed to support it, were voted on? Do not get me wrong people, I whole heartedly supported , and still do, this war. I just think if you have feelings about something, and your voted into a position that requires you to represent the American people that you shouldnt lie about what you have or have not done. Even at the beginning of the speech he tells the history of why we went to war in Afghanistan, saying we were attacked and that we all voted to goto war to disband Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, YET President Obama only voted "Present" in the vote to send troops to war in Afghanistan, alittle wishy washy for my tastes. Another thing most Americans are not aware of , I'm sure, is that the new defense spending bill signed by President Obama has a section within that allows AMERICAN TAXPAYER MONEY to be given to Taliban and Al Qaeda operatives that will change sides, and to help re-immigrate them back into Iraqi and Afghani society. Now we got people losing homes, jobs, and everything else here in America, and our government wants to provide provisions for people that could care less about the American People? Again, just another bone head move by our elected officials. I feel sorry for the "average" person in either of the two countries that we are engaged in hostilities with. I feel compelled to wish the leaders that cause these conflicts could be put in a cage and fight it out instead of innocents being killed for something they had no part in. BUT I also know the history of this region of the world, I know alittle about the religion that has caused fighting within this regions for thousands of years. Which brings me to another irritation in the President's Speach. He said that Al Qaeda has defiled and misused Islam, which is one of the great religions of the world. Now President Obama professes to be a Christian. If one is a true Christian, then you can NOT support another religion, it's forbidden through out  the Bible. Just another lie told by someone whom the American People put trust in. Every news agency covered the grilling of the commanders in Afghanistan by congress and senate yesterday. All asking and speculating why President Obama set July as the date to begin pulling troops out of Afghanistan. No ever seemed to make the connection of that month with the push to begin getting re-elected as President of the United States. That will be roughly a year and little less than half before election. Good re-election fodder to start bringing home troops during the campaign trail. I still fall in line with what former President Reagan said, " Government is not the answer, but the problem", as opposed to President Obama's stance of Government is the answer for all problems.


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